Crabtree Festival Information

Carbone's will be closing at 8:00pm on Saturday, July 21, 2012 so that our staff and patrons can enjoy the Saint Bartholomew Church of Crabtree's Our Lady Of Mount Caramel Festival fireworks that begin at 10:30pm.

Due to the number of festival patrons that will be coming to see the fireworks Carbone's Restaurant the the Crabtree Volunteer Firemen have developed a system to ensure that the restaurant patrons have ample parking while they enjoy their meal. 
When you enter our parking lots the firemen will collect $5 from each car. Once inside the restaurnt, you will be given a $5 parking voucher that you must hand to a fireman to recieve your money back. This process ensures that our patrons will have free parking. Of course you may decide to donate your your $5. The donations will benefit the Crabtree Volunteer Fire Department.

This month we will be featuring our Grandpa's favorite pizza

The July Featured Pizza is a creation and favorite of founder Nat Carbone born July 21, 1904.  The Nat Carbone Bacon Pizza contains only three ingredients -- our homemade thin pizza dough, crispy bacon pieces, and a mozzarella and provolone cheese blend.  This pizza has minimal ingredients and maximum flavor.  The Nat Carbone Bacon Pizza is available in both small and large sizes.

Facebook Trivia Posted

OK this Facebook trivia will be MUCH easier...Carbone's Restaurant started because what group of workers asked Mary to cook what?   Good Luck and remember to claim your prize (choice of a free appetizer, dessert, or Carbone's coffee mug) with in 30 days of winning.

Remember to answer the trivia question on our facebook page.

This is the last week to try our Buffalo Chicken Pizza

This is the last week to try our Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Get one before they are gone!!!
June's Featured Pizza is a Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Our home made thin crust smothered in a creamy ranch dressing sauce then covered with a blend of cheddar and mozzarella cheeses all topped with diced chicken breast marinated in a spicy wing sauce. This delicious pizza is available in an 8 and 12 cut size.

Facebook trivia answers

Ok so this must have been a hard are the answers...1. Nat's Special named after founder Nat Carbone, it was a chopped steak with tomato sauce, cheese. mushrooms and peppers.....2. Vince Mangini and he owned and operated Crabtree Oil Company......the bonus...Vince would occasionally host for Carbones. 
I promise to make the next one easier!!!!!
Original Question:
Winner still needed! Trivia time!!! 1. Our menu had a dish created and named after one of the owner's Father - what the name and describe the dish. 2. one of the owner's Father worked at the restaurant but owned a different business - what was his name and what was the name of his business. The bonus is to describe what the Father in question 2 did at Carbones. Good Luck and remember to claim your prize (choice of a free appetizer, dessert, or Carbone's coffee mug) with in 30 days of winning.

Positive Thinking: 7 Easy Ways to Improve a Bad Day

Positive Thinking: 7 Easy Ways to Improve a Bad Day

Don't let a bad morning ruin your entire day. Use these mental tricks to change your momentum.

Had a lousy morning? Things looking grim?

Not to worry. The rest of your day need not be a disaster. It can in fact become one of your best, providing you take these simple steps:

1. Remember that the past does not equal the future.

There is no such thing as a "run of bad luck." The reason people believe such nonsense is that the human brain creates patterns out of random events and remembers the events that fit the pattern.

2. Refuse to make self-fulfilling prophesies. 

If you believe the rest of your day will be as challenging as what's already happened, then rest assured: You'll end up doing something (or saying) something that will make sure that your prediction comes true.

3. Get a sense of proportion.

Think about the big picture: Unless something life-changing has happened (like the death of a loved one), chances are that in two weeks, you'll have forgotten completely about whatever it was that has your shorts in a twist today.

4. Change your threshold for "good" and "bad."

Decide that a good day is any day that you're above ground. Similarly, decide that a bad day is when somebody steals your car and drives it into the ocean. Those types of definitions make it easy to be happy–and difficult to be sad.

5. Improve your body chemistry.

Your body and brain are in a feedback loop: A bad mood makes you tired, which makes your mood worse, and so forth. Interrupt the pattern by getting up and moving around.  Take a walk or eat something healthy.

6. Focus on what's going well.

The primary reason you're convinced it's a bad day is that you're focusing on whatever went wrong. However, for everything going badly, there are probably dozens of things going well.  Make list, and post it where it's visible.

7. Expect something wondrous.

Just as an attitude of doom and gloom makes you see more problems, facing the future with a sense of wonder makes you alive to all sorts of wonderful things that are going on, right now, everywhere around you.

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Winner still needed!

Winner still needed!   Trivia time!!! 1. Our menu had a dish created and named after one of the owner's Father - what the name and describe the dish. 2. one of the owner's Father worked at the restaurant but owned a different business - what was his name and what was the name of his business. The bonus is to describe what the Father in question 2 did at Carbones. Good Luck and remember to claim your prize (choice of a free appetizer, dessert, or Carbone's coffee mug) with in 30 days of winning.

June's Featured Pizza is a Buffalo Chicken Pizza

June's Featured Pizza is a Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Our home made thin crust smothered in a creamy ranch dressing sauce then covered with a blend of cheddar and mozzarella cheeses all topped with diced chicken breast marinated in a spicy wing sauce. This delicious pizza is available in an 8 and 12 cut size.

Great Brainteasers from


5/15/2012 @ 4:48PM |153,081 views

10 Brainteasers to Test Your Mental Sharpness

To test your mental acuity, answer the following questions (no peeking at the answers!):

1. Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?

2. A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

4. How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?

5. What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?

6. Billie was born on December 28th, yet her birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

7. In British Columbia you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?

8. If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

9. Which is correct to say, “The yolk of the egg is white” or “The yolk of the egg are white?”

10. A farmer has five haystacks in one field and four haystacks in another. How many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in one field?



1. Johnny.
2. Meat.
3. Mt. Everest. It just wasn’t discovered yet.
4. There is no dirt in a hole.
5. Incorrectly (except when it is spelled incorrecktly).
6. Billie lives in the southern hemisphere.
7. You can’t take a picture with a wooden leg. You need a camera (or iPad or cell phone) to take a picture.
8. You would be in 2nd place. You passed the person in second place, not first.
9. Neither. Egg yolks are yellow.
10. One. If he combines all his haystacks, they all become one big stack.

Okay, some of these are a bit corny. But they all illustrate several brain idiosyncrasies that affect how we make decisions in the world.

Thanks to the way our brain works, we have a very strong tendency to see what we want to see and what we expect to see. This has huge implications when studying our customers, markets, competitors, and other data that influences key business decisions.

When we only see what we want or expect to see, we miss competitive threats because our brain tells us a threat couldn’t possibly come from that direction. We miss opportunities because we only see what has worked in the past rather than what could be. And we miss major market shifts and changes in customer needs that seem obvious in hindsight but are easily overlooked when focusing on what we already know.

Our brain doesn’t like information gaps, so we tend to jump at the first answer/solution that looks good rather than take the time to examine all the data. This is especially true in a world where we receive more information every day than we have time to assimilate. Finally, our brains love to see patterns and make connections. This trait serves us well in many ways as we move through the world. But the brain doesn’t always get it right.

For example, how did you answer question #1 (be honest)? For most people, the first word that pops into their head is “June,” because the brain quickly spots the April/May/June pattern. Upon re-reading the question and analyzing the data, the answer “Johnny” becomes obvious.

And what about the man with the wooden leg? Your answer depends on how you interpret “with.” Does it refer to the man with the wooden leg or to the camera? A bit of a trick question, but it clearly illustrates how the language we use shapes the way we look at the world.

Perhaps the best example of how we miss things is the egg yolk question. Everybody knows egg yolks are yellow. But the question’s phrasing puts our attention on selecting the correct verb, so we overlook an obvious piece of data and an even more obvious answer.

We can’t change how the brain works – at least not yet. Give science another 50 years and who knows what our brains will be doing! For now, we can become more aware of how our brain works, then pause from time to time to consider what we’re missing. This includes the data we’re unconsciously screening out as well as different sources of data to counterbalance what we expect to see.

Get in the habit of teasing your brain. You’ll be amazed at what you end up seeing that you didn’t see before.

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See also:

The Secret Power of Introverts

How To Be More Interesting (In 10 Simple Steps)

The Emotional Life Of The Brain

 Training The Brain Of An Entrepreneur 

Internet Addiction Shows Up In The Brain

Happy News!

We would like to congratulate Rosalie Hooper, (Big Natalie’s grand daughter, Vanessa’s daughter) on her college graduation.  Rosalie graduated from Haverford College on Sunday.  We wish her and all the recent college and high school graduates the best of luck and a successful future.

May's Featured Pizza - Chicken Parmigiana

Carbone's is proud to announce our new featured item. During May only, we will be offering a Chicken Parmigiana Pizza. Recreating our famous Chicken Parmigiana, this pizza has layers of our famous home made spaghetti sauce, marinated grilled chicken breasts, and topped with parmigiana and mozzarella cheeses. Available in both large and small sizes.

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